2023: Shun money politics, aspirant Comrade Elohor Afure urges politicians

By David Lawani, Abuja

An aspirant from the Okpe Kingdom to the Delta State House of Assembly, Afure Elohor Erhomarhua has declared his intention to contest the state constituency seat under the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC advising that money politics should be eliminated by all means possible.

He made this disclosure during his visit to a frontline APC Chairmanship Aspirant, in Abuja, Saliu Mustapha describing him as a man of a clear conscience and a progressive who has been impacting lives even while he was in opposition for close to 16 years.

Afure added that he decided to visit the aspiring chairmanship aspirant because he is a friend and a family ally. He stressed the need for politicians to always stand on the side of the people because only truth can set people, which politics should be all about.

He said: “The purpose of the visit is personal. He is a family friend and I am aware he is aspiring for the APC National Chairman position. It is a solidarity visit. As a family friend, he deserves support from family and friends, And that is why I am here to identify with him.

“His antecedents as a youthful opposition leader for about two decades is encouraging, it shows that he has been committed to better democracy since his youthful age. We need youth-oriented persons to manage the affairs of this country.

“He is a progressive-minded man that has the great qualities that the party need at this time” While we look forward to the decision of the party leaders to elect the new party chairman, I’ll plead with the party leaders to consider a progressive-minded person like Mustapha that can unite the party.

” The politics we are playing in Nigeria should not be money politics. When it is about money, the elected officials will not be able to perform for society. But when officials are elected based on their credibility, they will have the opportunity to impact lives and perform credibly to benefits the masses.

“I am vying for Okpe state House of Assembly in Delta State, to impact and improve on the lives of members of the communities through good and people-oriented legislation, he said.

2023: Shun money politics, aspirant Comrade Elohor Afure urges politicians


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