A member of an armed gang of robbers, Kevin Matundura, who botched a mission because he fell in love with his victim during their eight-hour operation at a house in Bahati, Nakuru County, Kenya, has been jailed.

According to Kenyans.co.ke on Thursday, the gang were apprehended and charged for the robbery which happened on March 14, 2017.

Matundura and his gang raided the home of one farmer, Mr James Wamugunda, and that was where Matundura fell in love with their househelp. He went on to exchange phone numbers with her before leaving.

Their conversations led to the girl agreeing to meet Matundura at the Choices hotel in Mchanganyiko trading centre within Bahati under the instruction of police officers which led to his arrest and that of other members of the gang.

They were charged with six counts relating to robbery with violence, handling of stolen goods, gang rape and possession of firearms and ammunition.

However, the man who fell in love was found guilty of robbery with violence and being in possession of firearms and ammunition without licence, and was duly processed for jail term pending sentencing that will take place on Monday.

Convict Falls In Love With Victim During Robbery Mission


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