Message from
Delta Central Conscience Group.

Dear esteemed deligates, we trust that it is well with you & your families. This message is sent to you on behalf of the Delta Central Conscience Group, a group of seasoned and nonaligned professionals from Delta Central Senatorial District.

2023 elections are here and our mission is to ensure that a credible and an untainted candidate from Delta Central emerges as our governor. We recognize that you have a major role to play in this regard during the primaries, hence this message.

We believe that it is time to liberate Delta State from the stronghold of Godfathers who over the years had milked us dry and their loots are still being repatriated from Europe. Sad enough, the Federal government is seizing these loots for the development of other states to the exclusion of Delta from where they were stolen.

We believe we should not make the mistake of installing such persons or their cronies, facilitators and accomplices as governor of Delta State again. Otherwise, we are not better than animals with little or no conscience. The issue today is not about stomach infrastructure, it is for the liberation of ourselves and safeguarding the future of our children with guaranteed good quality life for all. In this regard, we need a candidate that can create wealth & not those who all they know throughout their entire public service life is how to get allocations from Abuja and squander them.

We need a governor that can open up the public space for industries to thrive, thereby creating wealth, employment for our teeming youths, public infrastructure and guaranteeing quality life for all. This is how Europe, America & Asia developed. This is our desire which we believe you will support.

Enough of Godfatherism and brazen looting of our common wealth. We count on you to do the needful during the primaries by not mortgaging your conscience and frustrating your future and that of our children.

We say no to Godfatherism and stealing with impunity. We will continue to engage you from now on. Please forward this to every Deltan in your contact.

Thank you.

Delta Guber : Shun godfathers and vote wealth creators – Delta Central Conscience Group charge delegates


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