Galloway expresses great optimism ahead for Delta with John Nani DESOPADEC Chairmanship appointment

A good tenure they say, deserves another. When selecting leaders, it is pertinent to exhume their antecedents and past records to ascertain what the future holds should such a leader be bestowed with more responsibility.

For years one man has been blazing the trail of leadership in Delta State as he has shown himself worthy of more responsibility to deliver with aplomb.

From steering the wheels of youth Presidency in his kingdom of Idjerhe in Ethiope West, to representing the great people at the state House of Assembly, then climbing to become a Commissioner for environment, the success story of Chief John Obukohwo Nani is one that inspires the mind and gives renewed hope to every hardworking man scavenging to make ends meet.

His meritorious works helped propel him to DESOPADEC as the Executive Director of Finance and Administration, a position he carried out with relative ease due to his all round know how and technical acumen that saw a rise in stock of the body and development across Delta State.

My friend John Nani is an epitome of every working man’s hope, hence his recent appointment as the Chairman of DESOPADEC has not come to me as a surprise.

A unifier, an industrially driven individual and a lover of youths, the opportunities that awaits Delta State with this indefatigable leader is so mouthwatering that the people will attest to his results by the time he leaves office for a bigger position which I know will come.

For so long, the yearnings of Deltans have been development, and who would blame them with all the God given resources at our disposal?. All it needs is a driver with the right knowledge to steer her on the right trajectory.

I am very confident that Nani will come good for Deltans, and I am optimistic that his dogged style of leadership will propel DESOPADEC to heights unimaginable.

As I congratulate my friend and brother, I want to rally Stakeholders and Delta indigenes to remain patient and steadfast as DESOPADEC under the Chairmanship of Chief Barr. John Nani is on an upward spiral and soon Deltans will become the envy of all.

Guy Galloway

Endless opportunity awaits Delta State with your appointment – Business mogul, Guy Galloway writes DESOPADEC Chairman, Chief John Nani


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