The final funeral rites for the late Unugbrogodo of Onyobru sun clan in Idjerhe Kingdom has been announced. Oldest son of the late oldest Unugbrogodo Chief Austin Atiti revealed this in a whatsapp message as obtained by RERO TV.


Pls save this date and honour us with your esteem presence, as our Gentle Hero goes back to his creator. High chief William Atiti The most Senior unugbrogodo of idjerhe kingdom.

Burial ceremony arrangements is as follows.

Wednesday 20th April 2022. 4 pm .Vigil of songs at chief William Atiti compound onyobru inland jesse.

Friday 22nd April 2022. Funeral service/ internment at chief Atiti compound.

12.noon Entertainment of Guest at onyobru primary school onyobru inland jesse.

Sunday 24th April 2022, Outing service at St. Patrick’s catholic church 104 yoruba road Sapele.
Time : 10 am mass.

Mr .peter Aboy Atiti for family.
Olorogun Augustine Ogheneovo Atiti for children.

Final funeral rites of Late Chief William Atiti announced


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