Former Senior Special Assistant on Security matters and Special duties to the immediate past Governor of Delta State, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, Rt Hon Simon Onosakponome aka Onosa Onosa has hailed the proactive measure taken by the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori and the Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC headed by Chairman, Chief Barr. John Nani in tackling flooding in Delta State.

Hon Onosa in a signed statement made available to RERO TV, said that the Governor has hit the ground running in Delta and his giant stride in combating flooding needs to be heralded.

“I want to appreciate the proactive Governor of Delta State, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori for his huge impact in curbing flood across Delta state. We feared the worse for the rainy season but the Governor has shown that the safety of lives and properties in Delta is of utmost concern to him as drainages, canals and gutters are being opened on a daily basis to curtail flooding, a bane of the people over the years.

“Governor Oborevwori’s M. O. R. E agenda is in full flight and we are very optimistic that he will deliver the dividends of Democracy to Deltans.

” I urge Deltans to be patient with the Governor and pray for his success as he is proving to be a people oriented Governor and his appointment of Youths as Commissioners and other positions is testament to his development driven style of Leadership.

” I also want to thank the Board of DESOPADEC led by Chairman, Chief Barr John Nani for working tirelessly to actualize the success of the flood eradication. Chief Nani is a shining light and we are very proud of his works as Chairman of DESOPADEC. I am very sure that DESOPADEC under Chief John Nani will soar high and give Deltans the much needed infrastructural development that they yearn for.

“I also wish to pray God to grant Governor Oborevwori and the DESOPADEC Board more wisdom, strength and enablement to pilot the affairs of Delta State as I am fully confident that Deltans will smile in this administration”.

Flood control : Hon Onosa hails Oborevwori, DESOPADEC for Proactive measures in curbing flood across Delta State


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