Former Supervisory Councillor for Health, Ethiope West Local Government Council and Special Assistant to the immediate past Governor of Delta State, Hon Robinson Inije has sent a congratulatory message to the Ethiope West and Delta State Political heavyweight, Senator Chief Ighoyota Amori on reaching the milestone age of 71.
Honourable Inije in his message heaped enormous Praise on Chief Amori, extolling him as a leader that has made his mark in the Political Space across Ethiope West, Delta State and Nigeria at large.
His message reads, “I Hon Robinson Inije wishes to greet a leader and father, a pace setter and a Political guru whose all encompassing style has propelled many to stardom.
” Chief Ighoyota Amori, you are a good leader and your resume speaks for itself. You have shouldered the weight of your people and have proved to be a beacon of hope to thousands.
“At 71, God has blessed you with good health and a sound mind to pilot your people, and it is my prayer that God will sustain your health for more years and grant you more wisdom to continue in delivering to your followers.
” I am very excited that you have been blessed in all spheres of life and I know that God will continue to lift you even higher. Congratulations once again and may the Peace of the Lord always remain with you both now and always”.