Popular Okpe Chief, Okakuro Dr. Anthony Aghogho Owumi (JP), his wife Chief Mrs Engr. Owumi Susan Oghenevwoke has mourned the loss of top Okpe Chief, Okakuro Charles Ufuoma Obule, the Erhi of Okpe kingdom upon his shock demise.

Okakuro Owumi who shares a very close bond with the Late Obule in his message made available to RERO TV, described Obule’s death as a massive loss to the Okpe Nation and a vacuum that is insurmountable to replace.

“I received with huge shock the passing of my Late mentor, friend and Brother, Okakuro Ufuoma Charles Obule.

” Obule was a true custodian of the Okpe Tradition and a promoter of our custom. His passing has left a huge vacuum in Okpe kingdom, Urhobo Land and Delta State that will never be replaced.

” We the Okpe Nation just lost a colossus and an icon that has been a flag bearer of our people.

” I want to express my deepest condolences to his family and pray that God will give them the fortitude to bear this Irreparable loss”. The statement read.

Okakuro Anthony Owumi and family Mourns Obule


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