CCTV shows how nine prisoners managed to escape from a prison in Brazil by digging their way out in a Shawshank Redemption style heist.
The nine men, believed to belong to a violent drug-smuggling ga
ng, made the move in the early hours of Sunday (July 18) according to news site
A hole was dug in the cell where the prisoners were being held in Capina da Lago a, in western ParanĂ¡.
They snuck out to the courtyard of the police station and then climbed over the wall, as shown in the CCTV.
Before they jump they throw belongings over the wall and then run for it, sometimes dropping the items in the rush.
One of the fugitives, Robson Bueno, was quickly apprehended when he fled to his ex-partner’s house but the other escapees were reported to still be on the run.
The prisoners are said to be behind several violent crimes such as robbery, murder, and drug trafficking.
It is claimed they are members of the notorious Primeiro Comando da Capital (First Command of the Capital) which has more than 13,000 members.
The escapees were named in Brazilian media as: Jose Mateus Xavier, Rahmen Cassin, Lourival Masiero, Francisco Vaz do Nascimento Neto, Savio Junior Borges, Edson dos Santos da Rosa, Carlos Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira, Givanildo Luiz Paulo de Brito, Robson Bueno Ricardo.