In the wake of a tragic explosion that claimed the life of a young scavenger, Tsalha (A.K.A Rhodi), yesterday, the Sapele Local Government has taken decisive steps to address the aftermath and support those affected. On October 9, 2024, the Chairman of the Sapele Local Government, ably represented by the Secretary to the Local Government Council, Mr. Raymond Overa, visited the explosion site at Mission Road.

The primary purpose of the visit was to express condolences to the relatives of the victim and to assess the situation on the ground. The tragic incident, which occurred on October 8, 2024, has left a deep impact on the community, and the local government is committed to providing support to those affected.

During the visit, Mr. Raymond Overa on behalf of the Council Chairman, took the opportunity to ascertain the level of injuries sustained by others at the site. The council is exploring ways to offer assistance and support to the victims and their families, demonstrating a commitment to the welfare of the community.

The Secretary of the dump site provided a detailed account of the incident, narrating the sequence of events that led to the explosion. Rhodi, also known as Tsalha, lost his life while attempting to extract metal from an unidentified piece of scrap. His decision to probe further resulted in a catastrophic explosion, dismembering his body and affecting two other individuals.

In response to the tragedy, the Secretary admonished scavengers to exercise caution in their work. He emphasized the importance of safety and urged scavengers to avoid breaking into homes in search of materials. This call for caution is a crucial step in preventing similar incidents in the future.

The explosion has raised significant concerns about the safety practices of scavengers. The handling of discarded equipment, especially those that are expired or no longer in use, poses inherent risks. These items can be hazardous if not properly disposed of, and scavengers must be aware of the potential dangers they face.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for safety awareness among scavengers. Many individuals in this line of work lack formal training and are unaware of the potential hazards associated with the materials they handle. This lack of awareness can lead to tragic consequences, as evidenced by the explosion in Sapele

The community of Sapele has been deeply affected by Rhodi’s untimely death. As the news spread, residents gathered to mourn the loss of a young life cut short. The incident has prompted a period of reflection and has underscored the need for collective action to improve safety practices.

In the wake of the explosion, there have been calls for change from various quarters. Community leaders, activists, and concerned citizens have urged local authorities to take immediate action to improve the safety of scavengers. This includes providing training, resources, and support to those engaged in this line of work.

The visit by the Sapele Local Government Chairman’s representative to the explosion site is a testament to the community’s resilience and commitment to addressing the aftermath of the tragedy. The incident has highlighted the urgent need for improved safety measures and awareness within the scavenging community. By taking proactive steps to address these issues, the community can work towards preventing similar tragedies in the future.

Credit : Sapele Olofofo online

Sapele Local Government Chairman Visit  Explosion Site(Video)


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