Anambra state Governor-Elect Charles Chukwuma Soludo has emphasized the need for Nigerian leaders to be renowned in their private endeavours before taking up political leadership, IgbereTV reports.
He took to his Facebook page to recount his experience in 2004, when he was first called to take up public leadership. He shared his throwback photo and wrote;
“When in 2004 I was called up to serve in the Government of President Obasanjo together with other young and visionary turks, what preoccupied our minds was how to better the lot of our Nation. To this, we gave our all and the book makers have been fair to us in their analysis.
However, in looking at this picture this evening, I recall the events and experiences that shaped us for the task of public service, during my days in the Brookings institution. It was President Obasanjo who captured it in the words that make great meaning; and to those who wish to learn, I believe there is a thing or two of value to take way.
He said to us;
“If you want to be successful in public service or political leadership, you must have a second address”.
These words continue to resonate in my head, even though I think President Obasanjo spoke from the knowledge of a valuable past – – the period when our political founding fathers were first renowned in their private endeavours, sought knowledge across the length and breadth of the world, before presenting themselves for political leadership.
Today, we have a growing crop of young people who see politics as a means of livelihood. More saddening is the growing sense of entitlement where majority now seek to get something for doing absolutely nothing to enhance the system. There is a lot to be done. But, we must start from the reorientation of our minds.