Evangelist Malakhi Dele Banjo and former deeper life member has come out in the open to publicly declare that he is officially searching for a true Christian wife.

Yes I seek a true Christian wife but the issue is that the church has been infiltrated by satan and if you go to the church to find a wife you will probably end up marrying a witch or a girl from the marine kingdom who perfectly disguises herself as a true Christian.

Even if you go to modesty churches like deeper life to find a wife, these false Christians are there as well.

So what am I supposed to do? Should I accept and take one of these witches and marines that have infiltrated the church as a wife?

That’s not going to happen and that’s why I am here today to publicly declare and hopefully by so doing, I will bypass the infiltrated church.

Okay, I want a Christian wife but there are rules and there are selection criteria which the girl must fulfil.

Here are the selection criteria:

1. The girl must be a practising Christian

2. The girl must be a Christian that practises absolute modesty and outward holiness (deeper life type)

3. The girl must be a Christian preacher.
For you to be my wife, you need “Lady Evangelist” attached to your name. That’s the minimum standard acceptable.

4. I want a girl that preaches and not a Proverbs 31 woman. Yes, Proverbs 31 describes how a wife should be; but it is mainly about how she should be good at her domestic chores. What I seek is a preaching woman that will serve Christ and not a hard-working woman that does her chores as described in proverbs 31.

5. Whilst approaching me for marriage, the girl should not come with the belief that her body is needed carnal gratification.
Or do you believe that I am marrying the girl so that I can kiss her lips and caress her body and by so doing get double pleasure; one pleasure from the kissing and the other pleasure from the caressing?
I marry not her body but her Christian fire.

6. The girl must be a vociferously aggressive preacher that is strong and able to stand her ground for Christ even in the midst of opposition. Metaphorically, she should be a true Christian female tiger with sharp claws, sharp teeth , ferociousness and wanting to pounce for Christ.

So that’s it, if you have what it takes please send me a message on my Facebook (Malakhi Banjo) so we can begin the screening process and if you pass…..L.O.L, then we can begin the courtship process.

Please note that these criteria are hard to fulfill but yet easy to fulfill. God will not compromise on righteousness and neither will I.

To conclude, there are things we want and there are things we need. You may want a wife or husband but the only person you need is the Lord Jesus Christ. And that’s why the title states “True Christian Wife WANTED”

God bless
Your brother in Christ
Malakhi Dele Banjo

True Christian Wife Wanted! – Evangelist carries placard


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