Femi Adesina, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity says Nigeria needs a leader with an iron fist like his principal, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.).

The presidential aide also said Buhari won’t allow criminals and insurrectionists from any part of the country to destroy Nigeria.

Adesina stated this in a piece on Friday titled, ‘I Suddenly Remembered Why I Fell In Love With The President’.

“The man we fell in love with is of iron and steel, one ready and willing to knock sense into contumacious heads, whipping everyone into line. And being kind to us in the process. A kind bully, if you like the oxymoron,” he described Buhari.

Adesina in his piece on Friday said the President cannot allow anarchy to overtake the land.

He said, “What our country needs at this time is iron and steel.

“We are in a democracy, yes, but democracy is no byword for lawlessness. If anybody misbehaves in any part, repeat, any part, of the country, they need to be whipped into line.

“The nation needs not go into a tailspin because some people bear giant-sized grudges in their hearts. By the way, is there any part of the country that does not have one grievance or the other? Is the next option then to capsize the boat of the country? Any leader that has sworn to uphold the Constitution would not open his eyes, and see it happen.

“Leaders must do whatever they should do to maintain peace and tranquillity in their countries. Their intentions will always be misinterpreted and misrepresented. No matter. The good of the larger majority must be considered at all times. North, South, East, West, anarchy should never be condoned, no matter what some people may say.”

“President Buhari is not genocidal, and can’t ever be accused of such intentions. But a leader worth his salt cannot look on, and watch law and order break down irretrievably. It is not about a people, or region. It is about the country he took an oath to keep together,” Adesina stated.

Punch Newspapers

Nigeria needs an iron fist type of leader like Buhari , -Femi Adesina


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