“It has come to my notice that Sapele in the hands of this new set of elders in the community is going down the drain , seriously I don’t understand were inside a community there is another community, what is going on ? Yes is good to welcome strangers and every strangers most have a rules and regulations in set community, if this is not stop and sign once and for all definitely something will happen in the nearest future.
To the four family’s of sapele Abeke , Ayomanor, Ogodo this letter is for u to read 📚 and to the current community Chairman Partrick Akamuwa ever since you became the community Chairman of sapele all u care about is ur personal instrest , i understand that the gap between u and seplat is not up to 1meter there is no day u don’t visit seplat and when important things like this comes up u keep a deaf ears, am very sure you will remember this today if u don’t threat this issues once and for all , because all this is happening during ur time of ruling and for the current elders in sapele community , u people should sit up and discuse important issues like this too, u most understand a community were the youths is not finally stable can be taken away by strengers someday , the problem with u elders is self-interest too , u people had failed in all areas to carry the youths of ur community along , iterms of politics job offers and related community issues that can resolved to some millions and how do u expect this youths to react in a time like this if all at ?
This writeup is not to cost issues or fights rather you people should look into this once and for all , it will not be good if issues like this is extended to the next generation coming up… Is reali not right to Addressed it as OGUN AJA COMMUNITY SAPELE u don’t have A community in a Community.”
– Felix Ogodo writes from Atufe Road Sapele.