The support for the 2023 GOVERNORSHIP ambition of Frontline pdp delta Guber aspirant Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi seems to be skyrocketing by the day as the Delta Ijaw Traditional Rulers Forum have given their approval and wade their support for the business mogul.

IN an event attended by leadership of the IJAW Traditional Rulers Forum headed by the paramount leader hrm elder captain Joseph 1 timiyan jp the Ebenanawei of ogulagha kingdom, Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi received prayers from the monarchs as his surge to the Delta State Government House gathers momentum.

other IJAW Traditional leaders in the meeting include

Hrm Pere Luke kalamama
Pere of akugbene mien kingdom

HRM Dr Charles ayemi botu jp
Paramount Ruler of seimbiri kingdom

HRM couple m. Oronmoni mobene
Amakosu of ogbe IJAW warri kingdom

HRM bosu ayamabubu jp
Ebenanawei of iduwini kingdom

HRM Dr Jackson angalabiri egbain 111
Ebenanawei of kumbowei kingdom

HRM johnbull polokowei
Ongolo 1
Pere of ogbulubiri mien kingdom

Chief Gbagi who came with an array of supporters lead by Chief sir E. D. O onofukoro and Chief Mrs Judith enawhotor, thanked the IJAW monarchs for their warm reception, affirming that he shares a close bond with the IJAW nation citing various ways he has imparted and contributed to the success story of some prominent IJAW sons. He however stressed that he is for all tribe and is ready to change and industrialize delta state within the space of one year if given the mantle of leadership..

Chairman of the IJAW Traditional Rulers Forum hrm elder timiyan stressed that the records of Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi is bare for all to see and that the IJAW nation are ready to give him their blessings.

HRM Pere Luke kalamama of akugbene kingdom reiterated the words of the chairman before a Prayer was said for Chief Gbagi by hrm ayemi botu of seimbiri kingdom..

Delta 2023 : Ijaw Traditional Rulers Forum prays for Kenneth Gbagi


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